I’m delighted to open applications FROM
Monday 8th February
for this year’s Senior Camp to members currently in school year 7 and above.
Camp is an exciting opportunity to develop equestrian skills and experience all things horsey with like-minded pony mad friends.
We will return to the South Of England Event Centre, Ardingly, West Sussex RH17 6TL
Camp starts at 10am Monday August 2nd until midday Saturday 7th August.
Camp involves an action-packed week both on and off their pony/horse. Campers have plenty of opportunity to forge friendships firstly in their ride group and secondly in their team group.
Campers look after their own stabled pony/horse under the watchful eye of the yard team which is made up of mature Pony Club members.
Days are busy with campers receiving four hours equestrian instruction daily, making full use of Ardingly’s three arena’s and extensive XC area.
Evening activities are fun & informative developing friendships through team challenges, talks & whole camp experiences.
Accommodation is in the form of small two-bed rooms and a dormitory which sleeps up to ten. Children often decide who to share with once they arrive at camp and discover which ride & team group they are in.
All meals are lovingly prepared on site by an army of camp parents under the fabulous guidance of our camp chef & housekeepers.
The cost of camp will be £395 paid in full or a deposit of £95 followed by 5 x monthly payments of £60.
This includes everything apart from your horse’s feed, hay & bedding.
Places will be limited and offered on a first come basis.
To guarantee a place please complete the booking form which will be available from Monday 8th February along with online a £95 deposit or full payment
You can view our photo archive from Senior Camp 2020
Clare Bassett
Senior Camp Co-ordinator