To ensure everyone’s safety you are agreeing to the following terms when you book into any ESPC training or attend any Pony Club event or competition.
Do not attend ifanyonein your household is awaiting a Covid test, result or is feeling unwell with any Covid symptoms.
Arrive - Take Part - Leave ASAP
Track & Trace is now a legal requirement for our activities - ALL attending persons to be registered on ESPC web Track & Tracewithin 24hoursof ALL training, events and PC competitions including inter branch events. QR codes can be used at some venues but this is in addition to ESPC website notification systemnotinstead.
Essential people only - ideally one adult to one rider - extra adults (driver) should stay with vehicle. A sibling, if they must attend, should stay with household adult.
Have available your own hand gel, masks & gloves for all
people in your party.
Bubbles = rule of 6 maximum anywhere on site
2m social distancing between people, when not possible or indoors masks must be worn
10m minimum social distancing between Bubbles anywhere on site
20m social distancing between Ride & Bubbles or maximum distance possible indoors/covered arena’s
Parking 3m minimum, 10m preferred between vehicles
Parents must ensure tack is safe and secure before the session starts
As always take home all hay, poo and litter around your vehicle
Payments should be made as directed by the training organiser at the time of booking. Online payments are required IN ADVANCE using reference Date - Event - Rider first nameand surname initial
e.g. 26/11 Rally Ruby - 26/9 Dress Kiera - 08/10 Grids Katie L
Failure to comply may sadly result in you being asked to leave without refund.
Our organisers are all unpaid volunteers who give up their time freely please respect this & follow instructions without resistance.
Payments to "East Sussex Branch of the Pony Club” - Sort code 20-27-91 - Account 90398624
Our treasurer, Helen, has a very difficult job keeping track of all payments so PLEASE help her by using the new reference system and email her on
if you accidentally use another reference
Thank you for your patience and understanding - happy riding :)
November 2024 to February 2025 Organised by: OSB Hunt PC ESPC shoot venue: Dunstars Farm, Herstmonceux, BN27 4QS Targets will be shot at Dunstars Farm on training evenings which will be the first and third Monday's of the month starting on the 21st October. Contact: Lucinda Morgan ( )
Saturday 9th November 2024 Saturday 7 th December 2024 Saturday 18th January 2025 Hosted by: Surrey Union PC Venue: Sands Farm Equitation Centre, Warnham, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3SQF