Relevant from 8 August 2020
To ensure everyone’s safety and sanity you are agreeing to the following terms when you book into any ESPC training or events.
*highlights new/amended guidance
- Essential people only - ideally one adult to one rider
*Track & Trace
- names and addresses of ALL attending persons per vehicle/on foot to be registered using the
online form on the ESPC website
HERE, or by text/email to organiser before arrival
= 5 riders/helpers plus instructor
- Bubbles = 6 persons maximum parents/siblings/family/friends anywhere on site
- 2 meters social distancing between people
- 10m minimum social distancing between Bubbles
- 20m minimum social distancing between Ride & Vehicles
- PPE Bring your own hand gel (gloves & masks if required) - use on arrival and departure and regularly throughout session
*Attendance: We request that anyone feeling unwell, with cold/flu-like symptoms and a temperature, does not attend. If a member of your household is tested for COVID we would also request that no one from the same household attends until a negative result is received.
Strict gathering numbers
- none essential people MUST stay in vehicles IF maximum bubble number (6) reached priority given to 1 adult per rider
- Parking 10m apart - IN FRONT of white posts - in your RIDE group
- No toilets or water available on site
- No dogs
- Take home all hay, poo and litter around your vehicle
- Parents are responsible for member tack check
- Members ESPC uniform - beige jodhpurs, hair tied above shoulders and secured in a hairnet (no pony tails), ESPC tops - polo’s (green or white), sweat shirts or xc skin/base layer. Hat silks, chaps and numnahs should be plain black, navy or brown or green ESPC numnahs, orange hat silks
Our organisers give up their time freely for the benefit of your family please respect this and follow instructions without resistance.
Failure to follow the above may sadly result in you being asked to leave without refund.
THANK YOU for your cooperation during these unusual times - if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact Clare at
- Payments should be made as directed by the training organiser at the time of booking i.e. advanced online or cash on the day
ONLINE payments are required IN ADVANCE using the following NEW REFERENCE SYSTEM
- ACTIVITY & DATE & RIDER FIRST NAME (not parent) & initial of surname if necessary e.g. Rally 26/6 Ruby - XC 26/6 Kiera - C+ 2/7 Hebe - SCamp 10/8 Meg B - B Trg 2/7 Netty
ONLINE payments are required IN ADVANCE using the following NEW REFERENCE SYSTEM - ACTIVITY & DATE & RIDER FIRST NAME (not parent) & initial of surname if necessary e.g. Rally 26/6 Ruby - XC 26/6 Kiera - C+ 2/7 Hebe - SCamp 10/8 Meg B - B Trg 2/7 Netty
Payments to "East Sussex Branch of the Pony Club” - Sort code 20-27-91 - Account 90398624
Our treasurer, Helen, has a very difficult job keeping track of all payments so PLEASE help her by using the new reference system and email her on
if you accidentally use another reference -
Thank you for your patience and understanding - happy riding :)