Darcey and Jack had a year of highs and lows.
Starting after the October rally in 2021 where they flew round a fabulous 70 showjumping course. Then life took a dramatic turn for our dear Jack . . .
We found him in the early morning rolling and sweating in a terrible state. We knew instantly it was that moment every owner dreads colic. We called Cliffe straight away, for what felt like the longest 30 mins Manon arrived treated him and we prayed. But unfortunately he didn’t show any signs of improvement so we got him in the trailer and rushed him to the clinic. Within an hour he got worse and we were told surgery was the only option to save him. Darcey's eyes filled with tears and as a family we decided to go for the surgery.
Up until now Darcey had been so strong but saying goodbye to him before surgery broke all of our hearts. After what felt like an eternity we had a phone-call to tell us he had made it through the operation. Over the week after his operation Darcey went up every evening to be with him.
We got to bring him home a week later and unfortunately he got colic again when he got home possibly from travelling. Darcey stayed up with him for 2 days and nights. We got him through it though .
Over the winter each week that passed he got stronger and stronger. Then got cheekier and cheekier !!! We started taking him out to a few shows in the spring with pony club friends where he qualified for the sunshine tour in various showing classes. Then he managed to do his C Test with Darcey . I think we all held our breath including the instructors!!!! Which they passed.
We hadn’t booked into Senior Camp as we didn’t think he would be fit enough but then a space became available. He was looking so fit and well we decided to give it a go. Wow what a week it was torrential rain, thunder and lightning but fantastic fun!
Jack loved every minute of it and so did Darcey. Unfortunately he was a bit tired and sore on the last day so he didn’t do the final ride but what a fantastic group of friends Darcey had 3 girls straight away offer their ponies to her to ride Sophie Novell, Jess Perry & Grace from OSB. Darcey chose the wonderful Gus who didn’t disappoint her and they did a lovely final musical ride . What wonderful kind thoughtful girls to support Darcey.
But the icing on the cake was at prize giving where Clare awarded them the camp cup. I will happily admit we all shed a few tears after what had felt like a very long journey. What a wonderful way to end the summer.
Through all of this time we have been supported by a great Pony Club family. We have had messages, phone calls and love sent .
Issie Pincus and Pippa Stoneham have been fabulous friends, including her even though she didn’t always have a pony to ride. I have had a lot of mummy hugs which I am very grateful for. Lucy Dixon Thompson very kindly let us ride Gwen while we tried to get Jack fit. We were elated to spend 2 days at the sunshine tour where he came 7th in a big veteran class. Proud beyond words for both of them.
We are all so lucky to have such a supportive pony club
Thank you from us all especially Jack xxx